Agrónomos Sin Fronteras closer to you with its new website
3 August, 2018
The website of the Foundation is the showcase of who we are and what we do, so we have decided to improve it by adding new spaces with more information that brings us closer to our collaborators.
Madrid, July 24, 2018. 2018 is a year of changes for Agrónomos Sin Fronteras; a moment in which the Foundation has decided to renew itself to continue promoting the projects it has carried out for 14 years. The new website is considered to be more intuitive and at the same time more complete, highlighting the following aspects:
We wanted to give greater proximity to the projects through the publication of a greater volume of media. The era of technology in which we live allows us to have much more graphic information that brings us closer to the beneficiaries. In addition, a corporate video has been made that can be found on the main page, which reflects all the work of ASF.
On behalf of the NGO we want to invite anyone who is interested to browse the sections of “getting to know us” (conócenos) where further information about programmes and members can be found. The news section and the blog can also be visited to learn more about work being carried out and other possible developments as well as how to get in touch with the entity.
The Foundation wants to be an example of good practice, for that reason, it was considered essential to include a space in which to publish our audits and other documents proving that we adhere to a policy of transparency.