Privacy Policy

This legal notice refers to the use of the website (hereinafter the ASF website) owned by AGRÓNOMOS SIN FRONTERAS, a private, non-governmental, non-profit Spanish foundation with its registered office at Avenida Puerta de Hierro number 2, 28040 Madrid.

Use of the ASF WEBSITE requires the acceptance of the user in regard to the clauses stipulated in this legal notice:


Acceptance of the conditions of use of WEBSITE


The User agrees to use the contents and services of the ASF Website in accordance with the law, established morals, public order and, in general, in accordance with the conditions set forth in this Legal Notice. The user also undertakes not to use the Web in a harmful manner or in a manner that may impede use by other users. The user shall be entirely responsible for any such acts and possible violations that may occur as a result of said acts, the owners of the ASF Website shall be held to be blameless.

ASF is responsible for the contents of its own services, not for the contents that users may send or publish, the parties responsible shall be the users themselves, both for the veracity and the legality of such publications.

ASF reserves the right to interrupt or eliminate the contents for which a user is responsible if it is considered to be discriminatory, defamatory, unlawful, obscene, pornographic, illegal, threatening or considered to be contrary to this Legal Notice.


Intellectual and Industrial Property


The entire contents of the ASF website: text, programmes, images, font type, trademarks, graphics, illustrations, sounds, logos, buttons, colour combinations, as well as the content structure and graphic design, are protected by intellectual and/or industrial property rights, the reproduction of these is prohibited.


Personal data protection


ASF undertakes to comply at all times with the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), as well as the Law on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, of 11 July 2002 (LSSICE) and related regulations.


– Minors


Access to and use of the website by unauthorized minors is prohibited. All users who are responsible for minors will be solely responsible for them, it being recognized that it is possible to install programmes to filter or block content from minors.


Links and other responsibilities


The ASF Website may contain links to third parties. ASF declines any responsibility regarding information alien to ASF, since the function of the links that appear is only to inform on the existence of other sources of information. The owner is exempt from any responsibility for the proper functioning of the links, the results obtained through them, the accuracy and legality of the content or information that can be accessed, as well as the damage that may occur as a consequence of the information found or downloaded from the linked Website(s).

ASF shall not be responsible for the quality of service (as well as the speed of access) or damage that may be caused to the users’ equipment or computer viruses, as well as the reliability of the contents


Modifications to the Conditions of Use reserves the right to modify, change or update at any time and without prior notification the present Conditions of use. As a User of this Website, you are automatically bound by the Conditions that are in force at the time of access. We recommend that you periodically read the Conditions found in the Legal Notice link at the bottom of the main page in order to consult the updated version.


Applicable legislation and jurisdictional competence


Disputes or legal action will be regulated by Spanish legislation, specifically by the competent Courts and Tribunals of Madrid.


General information about the proprietors of ASF


C.I.F .: G83948786
Registered office: Avenida Puerta de Hierro 2, 28040 Madrid


Registration data: Registered in the National Registry of Foundations with the number 28-1.318. with date 06/15/2004


Contact email:
Contact telephone number: 646 530 575