Thank you Incatema Consulting!
28 February, 2019
Agronomos Sin Fronteras has, since 2017, the collaboration of Incatema Consulting. Thanks to this support, the Foundation can continue to carry out its agricultural development work in Tanzania.
Incatema Consulting is a Spanish company with projects in 48 countries; It has delegations and local companies in Angola, Sao Tome and Principe, Ghana, Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Its 25 years of experience has made them experts in everything related to agriculture and rural development, agri-food industry, the water sector, fisheries and aquaculture, food markets, commercial structures and logistics platforms and in the field of architecture , planning and construction; thus becoming a benchmark at the international level.
The entity has always been aware of the need to collaborate with those entities that carry out projects that favor the progress of developing countries such as Tanzania. That is why, since 2017, it has collaborated with the Agrónomos Sin Fronteras Foundation through donations that contribute to the improvement of the quality of the projects in progress.
For all this, from our Foundation we want to express our deepest gratitude for the generosity since this collaboration benefits many people and is an incentive to continue working for the farmers of Tanzania; Thanks!